ONE, or HFJOne, is an web series object show created by CheesyHfj. The show is about a group of objects being teleported to 'The Plane', a geometrical grassy plain, to compete in an reality TV show to win the prize of 'a wish for anything'. This site is merely a recreation of one of the websites shown in ONE: 12, "Batch Two".
This site is not affiliated or associated with CheesyHFJ, and I am not apart of the ONE crew. I am merely a fan of the series. All credits except this site's code go to CheesyHFJ and his crew. Thank you for creating such a great webseries!
this site is not mobile friendly, please only view on pc!

88x31 buttons to put in your neocities, your carrd, your rentry, anything! (id prefer if you would link back to this site, thank u!)